Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Education & Prevention

At Young Street Dental, we believe that education and prevention can be key in helping to maintain a healthy smile. Our dentists and hygienists will take the time to help you understand your treatment and practices you can use to help your oral health!

Components of an Effective Oral Hygiene Routine

When it comes to caring for your complete oral health, there is more involved than just brushing and flossing. Our Chilliwack dentists share some of the important components of a complete oral hygiene routine.

What You Should Know About Root Canal Recovery

When you learn that you need a root canal you may feel a little nervous, it is an invasive procedure after all. Here, our Chilliwack dentists talk about what to expect during recovery after root canal surgery.

Recognizing the Symptoms of TMJ Pain

Sometimes we can experience pain that focuses on our head, face and shoulder areas. But what is the cause of this pain? Our Chilliwack dentists talk about head and shoulder pain and how you can recognize the symptoms of TMJ disorder.

Tips From Our Team
  • Just like you, we recommend your child visit the dentist at least twice a year. This routine should start after their first tooth appears.
    - The Young Street Dental Team

Financing | Chilliwack Dentist | Young Street Dental

Ready to start treatment with Young Street Dental?

Contact us today to schedule your next dentist appointment!

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